emPOWERing an Inclusive Workplace Workshop - August 2, 2018 - Registration Now Open




Join us on Thursday, August 2nd 

for our
GCPA emPOWERing Women
"Empowering an Inclusive Workplace" Workshop !

Have you ever silently but uncomfortably witnessed political incorrectness while at work?  Have you ever been at a loss as to how to respond to an inappropriate joke?  Have you ever skipped applying for a promotion because you didn't meet 100% of the qualifications?  Have you ever failed to negotiate your salary before accepting a job?  Do you consistently overuse exclamation points in your emails?

In other words, are you someone who currently works in a job that requires that you interact with other human beings?  Then this workshop is for you!


​Join energy consultant and certified life coach, Jenni Rochelle, for an informative, eye-opening and uplifting afternoon exploring what can be emotionally-charged subjects in a safe and (she promises!) light-hearted environment.



DATE: Thursday, August 2nd

​Check-in/on-site reg:  2:30 p.m.
​Workshop:  3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


​LOCATION:  Shell Offices
​1000 Main Street
​Houston, Texas  77002

A WebEx option at the same price will be available for those who cannot attend in person.

​COST:  GCPA Members $20
​Non-members $30
​$5 surcharge for on-site registration




Recommended reading: 
Feminist Fight Club:  An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace  

by Jessica Bennett

Part I: Finding the Middle Path (1 hour)

We’ve all been there.  We’ve all experienced those uncomfortable moments when a co-worker makes a comment that is inappropriate or downright offensive.  Often, we are caught off guard and go into “fight or flight” mode.  We either laugh nervously, say nothing and then kick ourselves for being a coward later or we react so strongly that we are dismissed as being too sensitive.  This workshop will show you how to respond in a better way that promotes inclusivity and without compromising your own values.  You will walk away from this workshop with a thought-out, rehearsed response that will allow you to respond in an empowered and inclusive way.  There will be role play.  You will laugh hysterically.  Guaranteed.

Part II: Getting Out of Our Own Way (1 hour)

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  From body language to negative self-talk to our negotiation skills to our tendency to overuse exclamation points in emails, we often undermine our own careers by a lack of self-confidence and an overriding need to please.  This portion of the workshop will identify how we get in our own way and the way of others.  You will walk away from this workshop with increased self-awareness that will empower you to become your own PR expert.  We all do some of this.  You are not alone.  Guaranteed.

NOTE:  If you are a GCPA member it is recommended that you login to your GCPA website account BEFORE registering.







Questions? Contact Penny Sullivan




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About GCPA emPOWERing Women:

The GCPA emPOWERing Women program was introduced in 2013 with the dual goals of offering opportunities for support, development and networking among women working in the electric power industry while also encouraging younger women pursuing technical degrees to consider careers in the electric power arena.


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